Register for the Women's Retreat! November 1-3 More Information

Westminster Wednesdays

Runs from Sep 18 through Oct 23

Our current series of Westminster Wednesdays began on September 18th and continues through October 23rd. Join us from 5:30-7:15 p.m. in Beard Hall for excellent food and uplifting fellowship. For this fall, Pastor Owen will lead us through the series, The Awe of God: The Astounding Way a Healthy Fear of God Transforms Your Life. This will be an inspiring and rewarding video series with table discussions. The children will have the opportunity after dinner to participate in Kingdom Kids! The cost is $12 per person with a cap of $36 for families. You can pay ahead of time at Church Center.

Is the desire of your heart to be close to God?

A holy fear of God is key to a deep intimate relationship with your Creator. Holy Fear is not a topic we hear much about these days, but if we want to build a faith that stands strong through troubled times, we cannot afford to ignore it.

In this six-session video Bible study, bestselling author John Bevere explores more than forty promises in Scripture given to those who embrace holy fear-rewards such as holiness, wisdom, legacy, confidence, happiness, and security. He invites you to take a fresh look at what it means to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. And he shows how approaching God in this way allows you to discover the deeper relationship with the Lord that your soul longs for and that He desires to have with you.

For children:

Children are welcome to eat dinner with their families from 5:30-6:00. After that, children will be dismissed for Kingdom Kids! There will also be a preschool program with singing and art. The youth will have their own table to do the video series with the adults or have the option of volunteering with the children.

Their focus this fall is on the awe of God and how we experience Him in our everyday lives. We are inviting people to share something they love to do and reflect on how they encounter God while doing it. How does this activity reveal His character? Whether it's through nature, creativity, work, or play, we hear how these moments deepen our understanding of God's greatness and draw us closer to Him.

We are still looking for people to share, so reach out to Jennifer ( if you would like to volunteer. To give you some examples, Jason Boyd will talk about woodworking and using his hands to fix things, Leslie will talk about pets and her connection with animals, and a group will talk about camping.